Tag: meat

Health effects associated with consumption of unprocessed red meat: a Burden of Proof study | Nature Medicine

Health effects associated with consumption of unprocessed red meat: a Burden of Proof study | Nature Medicine

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Nature Medicine volume 28, pages2075–2082 (2022)


Characterizing the potential health effects of exposure to risk factors such as red meat consumption is essential to inform health policy and practice. Previous meta-analyses evaluating the effects of red meat intake have generated mixed findings and do not formally assess evidence strength. Here, we conducted a systematic review and implemented a meta-regression—relaxing conventional log-linearity assumptions and incorporating between-study heterogeneity—to evaluate the relationships between unprocessed red meat consumption and six potential health outcomes. We found weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, we found no evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat and ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke. We also found that while risk for the six outcomes in our analysis combined was minimized at 0?g unprocessed red meat intake per day, the 95% uncertainty interval that incorporated between-study heterogeneity was very wide: from 0–200?g?d?1. While there is some evidence that eating unprocessed red meat is associated with increased risk of disease incidence and mortality, it is weak and insufficient to make stronger or more conclusive recommendations. More rigorous, well-powered research is needed to better understand and quantify the relationship between consumption of unprocessed red meat and chronic disease.


Meat and masculinities. Can differences in masculinity predict meat consumption, intentions to reduce meat and attitudes towards vegetarians?

Meat and masculinities. Can differences in masculinity predict meat consumption, intentions to reduce meat and attitudes towards vegetarians?


• New masculinity ideologies question popular beliefs like “real men eat meat”.

• The more men identify with new masculinity, the less they eat meat.

• This is mediated by men’s meat attachment, which is weaker for new masculine men.

• New masculinity also correlates positively with attitudes towards vegetarians.

• Studies about meat and vegetarianism should consider within-gender differences.
