Category: Sleep

Massive Study of 24,000 Dreams Suggests They Really Are Continuations of Reality
“Research has repeatedly provided strong support for what sleep scientists refer to as the ‘continuity hypothesis of dreams‘: most dreams are a continuation of what is happening in everyday life,” researchers led by computer scientist Alessandro Fogli from Roma Tre University in Italy explain in a new study.
“It turns out that everyday life impacts dreaming (e.g. anxiety in life leads to dreams with negative affect) and vice versa (e.g. dreaming impacts problem-solving skills).”
These psychological theories date back to the work of Sigmund Freud and others in the 20th century, who spearheaded the notion that the hidden meanings of dreams could be unlocked when examined within the context of a person’s real-world experiences.”

Relationships Between REM And NREM In The NREM-REM Sleep Cycle: A Review On Competing Concepts – ScienceDirect
• This is a broad perspective, historical review of the relationships between REM and NREM sleep.
• Deep insights into of the most relevant and competing concepts.
• Features a new “asymmetrical†hypothesis on the distal end of ultradian cycles.
• REM sleep potentially viewed as an evolutionary remnant of ectotherms sleep.

Study finds losing a night of sleep may increase blood levels of Alzheimer’s biomarker | EurekAlert! Science News
“A preliminary study by researchers at Uppsala University has found that when young, healthy men were deprived of just one night of sleep, they had higher levels of tau – a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease – in their blood than when they had a full, uninterrupted night of rest. The study is published in the medical journal Neurology.”

Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge
Sleep better in the new year with the Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge. For the duration of the challenge, you’ll employ science-backed methods designed to help you sleep deeper, so you wake up refreshed.The Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge is laid out as a series of four steps. When implemented together, they’ll make you a champion at sleep, and as a result, a champion at life.  The Sleep Challenge will help you sleep better by focusing on sleep hygiene, stress, diet, and tracking your progress.The order you do them in doesn’t matter — as long as you see to all four components before starting, you’re golden.
Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge

Reward does not facilitate visual perceptual learning until sleep occurs | PNAS
“First, we demonstrated a significantly larger offline performance gain over a 12-h interval including sleep in a reward group than that in a no-reward group. However, the offline performance gains over the 12-h interval without sleep were not significantly different with or without reward during training, indicating a crucial interaction between reward and sleep in VPL.”

Effects of sleep duration and weekend catch-up sleep on falling injury in adolescents: a population-based study – ScienceDirect
• Insufficient sleep is well known to be an important risk factor for falls.
• The effect of weekend catch-up sleep on falls has not been studied in adolescents.
• Short sleep duration was found to be a major risk factor for falls in adolescents.
• Longer sleep duration may reduce the risk of falls among adolescents.
• Longer weekend catch-up sleep may have a protective effect against falls.

Reciprocal Effects Between Loneliness and Sleep Disturbance in Older Americans – Sarah C. Griffin, Allison Baylor Williams, Samantha N. Mladen, Paul B. Perrin, Joseph M. Dzierzewski, Bruce D. Rybarczyk,
“Higher loneliness correlated with higher sleep disturbance at baseline. There was evidence of reciprocal effects between loneliness and sleep across timepoints. These associations overall remained when accounting for demographics, objective isolation, and depression.”

Selective slow-wave sleep suppression affects glucose tolerance and melatonin secretion. The role of sleep architecture – ScienceDirect
• SWS suppression during nighttime sleep leads to a significant increase in salivary melatonin.
• Elevated melatonin appears to play a key role in glucose tolerance changes after disturbed sleep.
• Melatonin’s effect on morning glucose tolerance depends on its secretion timing.
• Durations of REM sleep and nocturnal awakenings appear to play an important role in melatonin secretion and glucose tolerance.
• Glucose tolerance is associated with the total duration of undisturbed sleep and the length of REM sleep rather than the amount of SWS.

Sleep habits and sleep characteristics at age 1 year in the ELFE birth cohort study – ScienceDirect
The results of this study seem to indicate that sleeping in the same room as parents and habits of feeding to sleep etc may contribute to lessor sleep quality in infants.
“Mean TST was 13h36min including 2h54min of naps; 20% of the infants had TST ≤12h/24h. About 46% did not present SOD or NW, 16% had frequent SODs and 22% had NW >1 night in 2. Parental presence, feeding to fall asleep and infant sleep arrangements were frequent in infants with short sleep duration (≤12h/24h), NW and SODs. Non-nutritive sucking was associated with risk of NW, SOD and TST >14h/24h. Parental room sharing was associated with NW.”

Period 2-Induced Activation of Autophagy Improves Cardiac Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction | Human Gene Therapy
“Accumulating evidences indicate that onset of myocardial infarction (MI) shows obvious circadian rhythmicity. Clinical studies have shown that MI occurred in the early morning has a poor prognosis. But the mechanisms involved still unknown. Here we show that the expression level of the Period 2 (per2), in the heart of mice is lower in the early morning than in the noon, while raising the expression of per2 in H9C2 cells and rat cardiomyocytes increased autophagy levels. Further studies indicated that overexpression of per2 after MI improved cardiac function through increasing the autophagy. In summary, this study identifies that circadian clock per2 may be a regulator of MI.”